True Testimonials

Truth about White Powder Gold

Testimonials – White Powder Gold – ORMUS

White Powder Gold True and Honest Reviews!

“As a medical fitness professional I am always looking for an edge in human performance and speeding recovery of injuries. I have tried just about every supplement that’s available, and I can say that Zynergy works! It reduces pain from old injuries, increases strength and endurance, and provides mental clarity and focus. I’m a mountain, rock and ice climber and using this stuff makes me feel absolutely unstoppable, even invincible.

“It’s doing things to me that I can’t really even put into words. One thing is for sure; I know I’m vibrating on a much higher level than ever because I can feel the vibrations. Truthfully I didn’t think this stuff was going to do anything at all – but I’m a believer now. I know twenty people from my practice that need this stuff right now.

“Now to some more technical information I believe applies and I’m including this because I think you’re right on the money where ATP and creatine are concerned. The “Holy Grail” (excuse the pun) for athletic performance is to maintain ATP, or adenosine triphosphate (three phosphates), at a certain level of energy. Since I know you’re probably going to put this letter somewhere on your Website I think I’d better explain. ATP is the energy currency for cells, no matter what cell type they are. When that currency is to some degree or another spent, it gives up a phosphate molecule (or molecules) and converts to ADP, or adenosine diphosphate (two phosphates). Lactic acid is the byproduct of that conversion and begins to take over during the activity, which weakens, for example, the muscles when under strain.

“ATP is the higher energy currency while ADP is the lower energy currency. The way to maintain ATP is to “recharge” it, or to input energy by giving it the third phosphate (thus triphosphate). I think what’s happening, and this is just an educated opinion, is that the monatomics, being a foundational food, are fueling ATP directly and indirectly by increasing the production and uptake of creatine phosphate, which is also an ATP recharger. You have on your Website that indium increases the uptake of creatine by as much as 500 times, but I think the monatomic gold does it on an even more foundational and effective level. That Zynergy has both in it speaks loudly for what it does, and the only conclusion that can be reasonably drawn is that accelerated cellular regeneration is the result.

“It’s really this simple: it keeps you aerobic instead of letting you degenerate to anaerobic. How anything with this much energy can also make you feel so calm and at peace is almost paradoxical. It’s pure love! Send me a gallon!

“But I think the Kirlian photography tells that tale as well as anything could. Those are beautiful images. Anyway, I don’t care what you do with this letter, but at least add it to the ‘archives.'”

Hi Erik, I am writing to tell you about how impressed I am with your monatomic gold products.  In june of 2006 I was diagnosed with colorado tick fever which rapidly became viral menengitis and incephelitis. As is often the case with standard western medicine concerning viral illness, there was nothing to be done but to ride it out and hope for the best. At my worst point, I am told that I did not open my eyes or move for 2 days. For months I could not work or exert myself physically or mentally without side effects such as slurring my speach, severe headaches, and severe fatigue. I was on anti-nasea medication normally taken by patients to counteract effects from chemo-therapy medication. I took Zango juice as an antiviral help and rode it out for months. I gradually improved enough to work again with more minor versions of the symptoms until I pushed to hard months later and found the symptoms kicking in more severely again. I immediately took some time off to recover and during this time learned of monatomic gold. I ordered some aquagold from you after researching it and you pretty thoroughly. I began working again as I needed to pay bills and prior to recieving the gold and realized I was pushing it a bit. I would work partial days and often essentially pass out when I finished my day and got home. The day I got home and found the gold waiting for me, I was ready to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening laying down and falling in and out of sleep. Instead, I took a couple of teaspoons of it straight from the bottle, and proceeded to spread a half a dumptruckload of gravel by hand around my driveway that had been sitting there waiting for me for the last month. My headache left, my fatigue abruptly improved and continued to gradually do so until it all left. I have continued to taken the aquagold on a somewhat regular basis ever since and have evaded every cold and flu or other illness that has run through my house, as well as erasing the fogginess and mental unclarity that was left by the incephalitis. I have been taking the gold since september of 2007 and plan to continue to do so indefinitely. Thank you Erik for your research into and development of these products. Sincerely, Eric Sutton.

Sunday, April 27, 2008 5:19 PM

I just wanted to let you know how much zenergy is helping me! At 62 my mind
has really slowed down. With
Zenergy i keep my FOCUS much longer, can understand better and can
communicate much better. It takes a dropper full to provide me with
this capability and therefore I can only use it once or twice a week.
Any suggestions on getting better use of your product?

Peacxe, Gary Becker

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 13:23:55

I wanted to write you with a little bit of feedback on my experience with Zynergy so far (4 weeks). This is an amazing substance. It seems to be highly conscious and alive. The day my bottle arrived, I set it on the altar in my meditation room until I had a chance to sit with it later that day. When I did sit down for meditation, the bottle (still wrapped in the shipping envelope) was about 3 feet in front of me. Within seconds of sitting, I could feel a very strong field emanating from the package. Now comes an interesting part.

As I opened the package and began to unwrap the bottle of Zynergy, my cat comes walking into the room and asks for some. I thought this a bit odd and continued to unwrap the package. As I did so, she became more insistent…as if she knew what it was. As I opened the bottle the first time, a couple drops spilled onto my leg. I wiped this up with my finger and offered it to her and and she lapped up every bit…and began to lick my leg where the Zynergy had fell. I took the rest that had fell on another part of my leg (maybe 5 drops) as my first dose and immediately felt a balancing throughout my body and an increased sensitivity. Soon my cat and I settled into medititation. Shortly thereafter, I experienced a bout of giddiness that, when released as laughter, turned into euphoria. My cat just continued in a steady meditation…I could feel her energy had balanced as well. I know my cat is a very conscious being, but I was very surprised at her interaction with Zynergy…every time I take out the bottle when she is in the room, she asks for some.

For dosages, I’ve settled into about 3 drops per day, sometimes a little more, sometimes none at all. More than that–say more than a half dropper–seems not so much like “too much” in terms of an overload, but superfluous…more doesn’t seem to have more effects except for a short-term amplified euphoria. 3 drops increases my sensitivity to energy, has balanced my fat metabolism (I don’t have the measurements, but I’ve visably lost some body fat, and increased my weight by 2-3 pounds–muscle gain it seems), and have experienced increased manifestation–whatever it is I’m experiencing is amplified. For the manifestation aspect, I caution people using Zynergy that have not developed some way to transform their emotional states through some yogic/meditational discipline–I suggest that you find some way to do so before and while you are using this…you’ll really get to see in the physical world what our minds can be like. I have experienced first-hand what a little bit of anger and frustration can do when supported by Zynergy…and it’s not exactly pleasant. The wonderful side of this is that Zynergy also supports shifting or transforming states like anger into compassion very quickly.

I just placed an order for a bottle each of rhodium and iridium to see what they add to the mix. Thank you so much for your wonderful offering to the world.


Timothy Yuen


[May 13, 2005]

Dear Jason,

By the end of last year I was going to open a new (larger) PPA. You send me all the details and then you heard nothing from me… For this I appologize. Lots of things, good things, has happenend to me. It changed my life so much that I litterally lost contact with you. All these changes are somehow connected to the use of your products… You may use this for your testimonials section if you want.

I am a Dutch male, 40 years old and I am a professional healer. When I received my first parcel with ZP products, I started to experiment. I had used a gold elixer from another manufacturer for a month before I started to use Zynergy. I choose Zynergy for myself because it matched my needs better than Portal. Some of my clients I supplied with Portal because they did not need Indium in their elixer and some of them were not ready for any of the ZP products. But most of them use Zynergy and are very happy with it. ZP states that there is not a correct dosage for Zynergy and Portal and that you will have to find the ideal quantity yourself. The leaflet said you can do that by raising the quatity until you feel a bit uncomfortable and then you tone it down a bit. So I did and I came out on 7 drops a day. Soon I learned that the use of gold elixers (Zynergy and Portal more than the one I used before), increases the flow of light into one’s physical body and the energy field that surrounds it.

(You have to know that for me, light & love like darkness & fear, are different words for the same thing. So when I say the one I also mean the other). Then I got curious about that uncomfortable feeling you get when you take more than the “correct” amount of drops. I learned that the light in your energyfield/body gets so powerfull that it starts to collide with the darkness you surrounded yourself with. In other words; take too much and you fears will be triggered!

I know for a long time that most diseases/illnesses are caused by fear, if not all and if you want to heal yourself you should concentrate not so much on the symptom but more on the energies of low frequency that are usually parked on the organ that doesn’t function optimal. Often it is a fearbased belief with a fearbased emotion and a feeling of fear anchored in the physical body that causes an organ to disfunction. If you would invite such a cluster of darkness into your hart, if you would embrase it, it will dissolve.

I was already in the process of embrasing my darkside when I started to use Zynergy, Rhodium and Irridium but these products made it so ridiculously easy to locate and transform fear that spiritual growth really became a piece cake.

I have been looking forward to use the Gold Powder since I started Zynergy and I was going to wait exactly the one month that Zero Point demands before they are willing to sell you the stronger stuff. However, the light-beings that help me to heal others, advised me to use Zynergy at least 6 or 7 months before taking to the Gold Powder.

They explained that spiritual growth is much like a long journey. You can walk, drive or take a bus etc.. All means of transportation come with their own speed. They told me that taking Zynergy would be like going on a bullit-train, especially the way I was using it. It goes very fast but you can still see the landscape, the climate and culture change. On the other hand, taking Gold Powder is like flying a jet. You will get there in no time but you will miss out on lot of things. Getting to the destination is one thing, to experience the ride consiously and joyfully is even more important.

I did not like this advice. I wanted spiritual growth a.s.a.p. but I decided to take it easy and stayed in the bullit-train. Now, after 7 or 8 months of taking Zynergy and a less potent gold elixer, the train stopped. There is nothing else that Zynergy can give me and I am ready for the Gold Powder and maybe even Icarus…

Jason, you might wonder how did all this lead to losing contact with Zero Point? Well, it is simple. If you put energy in something, consiously or not, you make it manifest, you attact it. Fear generates lot of energy which causes lot of things that you don’t want in your life. Dissolving fear stops that proces.

With the help of your products, Jason, I got rid of almost all energies of low frequency, of all darkness. This resulted in a reunion with my wife, a new wonderfull house, a raise in income etc. You could say that all things that happen in my life nowadays are merely lovebased. Which is great.

Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.Alain Chardet


[May 11, 2005]

As nature and heredity would have it, I have been riddled with depression and anxiety my entire life. I have found myself to be very unapproachable to others regardless of how much I tried to appear cheerful. Since starting on the Zynergy/Iridium/Gold Powder, I no longer feel the urge to run to the medicine cabinet for a valium when I get stressed. People seem to seek me out to say hello. A lot of my business is done over the phone and I have been told so many times since I have begun taking these things that people get a good feeling from me.

What a miracle to finally be able to project outwardly what I felt inside all these years and re-focus all the anxiety and worry to learning and deepening my understanding and awarness of the world around me. I checked the option for calling me if you wish, but I am not requesting a call. I know how busy you are.

Thanks Jason!Dionne Hall

Hi Jason. Thanks for responding. Things in Happy Valley are DELUSIONAL as always [he’s speaking of Provo, Utah]. Truth and reality here rivals that of Disney Land. This is only my third day using Zynergy. The effects were immediate(tingling and vibrating in the hands, feet, lungs and throat) and unmistakable. My day starts about 2am and getting and maintaining energy and focus has always been a problem. All this has changed abruptly. The last two mornings I have had more than enough energy, physically, mentally and spiritually, to accomplish everything I’ve needed to accomplish. To me this is truly miraculous. If things continue this way I’ll be looking to help a lot of people using your product. Merlin would have loved this!! I’ll be more than happy to let you know how things progress.



Greetings Jason!

I wanted to send you a report as to how I’m doing on the ZPTech products that I ordered nearly 1 month ago. Feel free to publish this, if you so desire.

When I first ordered, I picked up a bottle of Zynergy, Iridium, Rhodium, and a gram of white powder gold (ZP Powder). Since I had not taken any substantial amounts of m-state before, you made me promise to not use the powder until I first used the Zynergy for a while. You mentioned the power of the ZP Powder and that it should not be misused by taking it too early before priming myself. I heeded your advice and since then, I am glad that I did. The powder is indeed powerful and it I am glad for your advice. More on that later.

I started my m-state program with daily doses of Zynergy, Rhodium, and Iridium. On the day that I received my supplements, I was busy constructing a swing set for my daughter in the backyard. It’s one of those elaborate wooden sets that you see in many yards nowadays, and I was starting to get a little tired (I was doing it by myself). I took my first dose at around noon, and I felt an almost immediate boost of energy. For most of the day, I was able to work at a quick pace with no shortage of energy. The only thing that stopped me was that my skin was starting to burn, (it was a hot, cloudless day, and the sun was out in full force).

For the next two weeks, I took my daily doses of Zynergy, Rhodium, and Iridium every morning before driving into work. Some of the effects that I noticed was a subtle clarity, calmness, a sharper focus, and an increase in my awareness of my surroundings. Also very interesting, while on the supplements, it seemed as though my energy and brainwaves were all “aligned”. In fact, I meditate on a daily basis. I currently use a meditation program that uses binaural brain beats to modify and align my brain waves. These meditations are designed to bring one’s brain waves slowly down into Theta and Delta ranges. Before using ZP Tech products, when utilizing these meditations I would easily feel the “dive” as I was being pulled down into lower and calmer frequencies. Interestingly enough, while on the ZP Tech products, I noticed that while meditating, I didn’t notice the effect of being pulled down. As I sat there meditating, I wondered what the problem was. Why was I not feeling the “dive” that I always felt? Then it hit me.. I was already there! It seemed that even before meditating, I must have already been functioning at the “Theta” level! Very cool!

Otherwise, the effects were mostly what I described above.. I didn’t detect any spiritual or psychic changes as some users have noticed, but I also know that every person has different experiences. I think that these elements target what is deficient and brings these lacking attributes up to speed.

I had initially planned to take the Zynergy until the bottle was empty (and then move into the powder). I estimated that on the rate of consumption that I was on, the .5 oz bottle was going to last roughly 3 weeks. After two weeks, I felt the urge to take the powder. Originally, I had not planned to take the powder yet, but one night, I was sitting at the computer and I felt what can only be described as a “calling”. It was in the evening which would have been uncharacteristic of me to start a new supplement, as I preferred mornings, (incase it wired me out). I instead listened to my gut, I opened the powder and took a very small (tiny pinch) and put it under my tongue. Immediately, I felt a very curious strangeness. I can’t describe every sensation that I felt, because I can’t think of the words to describe all of it. I followed my dosage of powder with small doses of iridium and rhodium. Within a minute, I felt a tightness around my head and a pressure on my forehead. It almost felt as if I put on a hat, (I’ve heard some people call this the “hat band” effect). My vision became very clear and sharp. Colors seemed more vibrant as well. Time seemed to slow down a bit (yet my mind had not), and my mood was very mellow. I felt so good, and there were bits and pieces of euphoria mixed in. I derived plenty of entertainment from just sitting on the couch and “feeling” the world around me. For the last two weeks, I have notice very positive effects from taking the powder. It is indeed very powerful, even at the smallest doses. I cannot imagine how some can take a quarter of a gram dose, (as mentioned on the website). A quarter gram would send me to the moon! I have also noticed a higher level of clairvoyance that I had not experienced before taking the powder… There are times when our ESP helps to guide us, and many of us simply follow our gut “instinct”. Since the powder, I have had much more than a gut instinct. I have had nagging “feelings” that have helped to direct my life (almost on the level of visualizations).

Other effects of the powder have been profound. The world just “seems” different. I feel different in my body as well. Only one word can really describe it, and that word is “smooth”. Everything seems so “smooth”. I don’t get nearly as irritated and impatient as I did before, (I can be very impatient at times) but now, I just don’t see any reason to get worked up over anything. The powder has helped me to change the way I look at things, and as a result, the things I look at have changed.

Sleep! Yes, sleep is deeper than ever! Since being on the powder, I sleep so deep that I almost never remember ever having dreamt about anything. It feels like I sleep deeper than it is possible to have dreams. The difference that I have noted is that some people note that they require less sleep, while I seem to be requiring more sleep. I wonder if this is a process of healing that I am undergoing? This isn’t the case all of the time, just most of the time.

Overall I love the powder. It is indeed powerful as you stated, and it was good that you insisted that I prepare myself in the way that I did. Unfortunately, I cannot compare the results to other products as this is the first white powder gold that I have taken, but despite that, I am hooked! I have noticed numerous improvements, mostly with higher awareness. It’s amazing that with such a minute dose, it seems to be doing so much for me. My thanks to you for providing such an amazing and uplifting product. I will continue to use ZP Powder as well as your other products in the future!

Blessings and Abundance,
C. Fetzer

Osiyo Jason,

This is Yona. It has been my intent to get to you sooner, but, since we received the Zynergy, we have been busy. I can not tell you how much I love the product. It is all I have read and been told, and more. I have to admit, I am working with the higher dosages as it is my intent to work in the higher frequencies and do my part in the Shift of the Ages. Finding you and your products was no accident. I already know who I am and what I am doing here on the Earth Mother. This product is just another gift of Spirit to accelerate the evolutionary process so that we may accomplish all we have come to do. Wado, (Thank you) for your sincerity and work. My wife and I are taking the Zynergy and there is an incredible peace beyond what we already knew. I look forward to trying other products as well as being a distributor. Incredible, beyond words, and powerful, it will open you up and let the Light in. Thanks again.

With Respect
Yona, Principal Chief
Unified Free Cherokee Nation [Please visit their brilliant and inspiring Website.]


Osiyo Jason,

I want to share a little more of the results of the Zynergy. It is so powerful and healing there is no way to describe it. I can only share some of the attributes it has brought to “LIGHT” with me. At the physical level, I will be 54 years old on the 28th of July. My back was hurting constantly. I lived in pain. Just a couple days ago, I was telling some folks who were here about the stuff and my wife said, “You know, you have not complained about your back pain for a while now”. Remember, I have only been taking it for three weeks. I also have what I call a 54 year old prostate. My stream had slowed and I was seeing old age and maybe cancer on the horizon. Anyway, in a short period of time, I am experiencing, well, let’s just say, a real stream of relief. I know how a race horse feels again. At the higher levels, my frequency has gone up quite noticeably. I am clear, I am open, I am achieving the next step in my spiritual evolution. I will say this about that. We are in the End Cycle of the Age. We are going to experience the Shift of the Ages in the not too distant future. It is no quoincidence that the information and the White Powder has re-surfaced at the time it has. We need to move through things as quickly as possible. The Universe in its wisdom, its balance, is facilitating the next natural step through folks such as yourself and your company. Wado (Thank You), not only to you, but to all the Alchemists that are out there seeing that it is available. Chee-Quay-You, (Love)

Yonv, Principal Chief
Unified Free Cherokee


Sirs: Just a few words to express my astonishment after using Zindium. As an engineer I am not given to rash opinions or sudden judgements, but within minutes of my initial dose what I experienced was beyond words. I was overcome by a sense of euphoria and well being that is impossible to describe. My energy levels after 3 days were beyond belief, but not like a caffene or artificially induced energy, but a very calm, balanced, and vibrant form of natural energy. My average work day is 16 hours, but after the first week I noticed I wasn’t hitting the wall anymore or reaching for the coffee. I now have a clarity of thinking and focus I never thought possible. How you do this without drugs or chemicals is beyond my understanding, but I do know I will be using your products for many years to come. I can’t wait to evaluate Zynergy! You may use my name and this unsolicited critique anyway you want. You could sum up your product in one word. Fantastic!!! Sincerely, Kahn Ivey


And again from Mr. Ivey:

Hello Pamala. Always an upper talking to you. Thanks for your time and  patience with these phone orders. I just sent a money order in the amount of  $138 for the Zynergy, Zindium, Rhodium, and Iridium. You should get it this week. If for some reason you miscalculated the shipping costs just let me know.  You guys have to stay in business and make a profit or I won’t be able to buy  your wonderful products anymore! As I explained I have no intention of making  any of your products. In ten lifetimes I couldn’t even come close to what you  have. The structured water I am working with works differently. There is no  “feel good” qualities about it, basically it’s a source of unlimited electrons, unlike anti-oxidants, and it has the ability to neutralize free radicals, which we all know are very destructive to cells. It actually works fine as it is but I have been trying for quite a while to “energize” it to enhance it’s action. That  was my interest in the overunity device you guys use, but on a practical level  I can understand [Clark’s] reluctance to give out specific details. I don’t have  the funds or the business savvy to start a company and don’t intend to. Like  Jason told me, I am also basically just a guy with a screw driver and a lot of ideas. Mostly I make the stuff up and give it to friends and acquaintances who  have heard about me thru word of mouth and I enjoy helping if I can. I think it  will take years for you guys to full realize the magnitude of the healing  powers of your products. I have never written a testimonial for any product, but  because of the incredible effects of the Zindium, which were felt immediately, I am for your company. Like Spock used to say “live long and prosper.”

Thanks  again, Kahn Ivey

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